Thursday, October 31, 2019

Economics and the Governement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Economics and the Governement - Essay Example The government has therefore developed a very extensive and comprehensive plan which seeks to achieve a clean energy future. In a way, the Bill is very clear and concise both from an environmental and economic perspective. The development of this bill was basically a response to the growing concern over climate change especially by international bodies. It is nevertheless realized that Australia is responsible for only 1.5% of the total Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the world. However, on scientific grounds, this is not a justification for a slow approach in addressing climate change. In any case, the effects of global warming will be realized by all countries irrespective of their contributions to the whole problem. As such, governments across the world have been enacting such legislation to ensure a reduction in GHG emissions. Australia is one of the largest CHG per capita emitters which create an even greater need for the country to enact and implement a number of domestic leg islation geared towards mitigating emissions (Lockie, 2012). Carbon Price The bill established a fixed carbon price of $23 per ton which falls squarely on some of the largest GHG emitters from 2012 to 2015 after which the price of carbon will basically be flexible through a trading scheme with the market forces being the biggest price determinants. As a result of the increase in the price of carbon, there is a subsequent increase in the prices of carbon-intensive goods and services. Due to these increases, many producers and consumers will be compelled to seek for cheaper alternatives to the carbon-based products. Indeed, according to basic economic theory, there must be a great reduction in the consumption of carbon based products as long as substitutes are available. In a way, this scheme is very successful since the government sets a limit to the annual GHG emission which can always be achieved (Considine, 2012). Indeed, the Carbon Price Mechanism (CPM) is important in a number o f ways. Under the initial flexible price model, there is price certainty since most of the affected parties can accurately predict how much the carbon emissions will cost them for the three years period under operation. In the same way, all the parties down the supply chain of carbon consumption also have a three year period to determine the cost of their emissions. While the initial period focuses on price certainty, the second stage is basically geared towards addressing emission certainty. As such, from 1st July 2015, the government will actually regulate the number of permits given each year so as to cap the country’s net emission. More importantly, considering the few number of permits which shall be granted, they will be auctioned in the market and their prices will therefore be determined by the market forces. With a reduction in the number of permits, companies will definitely a have motivation to trade the excess permits for profits. Under the CPM, a liable entity is one who has an operational control of the facility which is emitting the gasses (Simon, 2011). It is presently estimated that much of the net national emissions results from electricity generation which accounts for 37 percent while industrial fuel consumption accounts for 17 percent. Agricultural and transport have a cumulative

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

MBTI & decision-making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

MBTI & decision-making - Assignment Example There are certain techniques imperative in the realisation of this ability. Indeed, the ability to classify and recognise the information is one of the greatest challenges in this ability. Decision making requires making proper networks and task analysis. In order to facilitate the realisation of this, it creates the need to attend and address the internal and the external consistencies. Proper decision making also calls for the evaluation of all the relevant facts in order to create the efficiency and effectiveness in the process. In the context of the organisational structure, the making of proper decisions needs to be a methodical process that follows a given pattern. In the practical sense, several techniques are normally imperative in the context of decision making (Brooks 2006). These normally involve backward planning and the use of the PMI technique which provides a clear demonstration of the decision making process. In order to facilitate the process, certain fundamental strengths become very important. This includes the identification of the possible defects and problems and the need to follow up the whole decision making process. Proper judgment also calls for the implementation of the decisions in a timely manner. It is also important to evaluate for the efficiency and effectiveness of the decision am made. I recall being invited to make a decision regarding whether or not to suspend a student who had been caught watching illicit material over the internet while in school. From the outset, it appeared everybody wanted the boy to be kicked out of school. On much scrutiny of the school rules and regulations, I realised that there wasn’t a proper written rule which outlawed such behaviour. I therefore took it upon myself to inundate the members on the invalidity of a decision to suspend the boy yet there wasn’t any proper rule of dealing with such a case. Though it was

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Critical Contextual Studies Media Essay

The Critical Contextual Studies Media Essay Marshall McLuhan wrote of existing in the age of re-tribalised man and residing in the global village. Throughout my research I will examine these concepts in relation to the effects of modern media, especially television and the internet, and how it has changed the way we communicate with others around the world. Canadian born theorist Marashall McLuhan (1911-1980) was an English graduate turned media analisist. His first Popular book the mechanical bride looked at advertising and it was a ground breaking piece of writing as it was the first time that anyone had ever studied advertisments as a form of communication, from then McLuhan had the concept that the content of the media was irrelevant, but the form of which the media took was the importance the medium is the message. The telephone for example as a medium has significant impact on our enviroment and the way we live and communicate however the conversation we have on the telephone affects very few people just as what we print is nothing to the effect of the idea of the printed word. This can be better explained in another quote from McLuhan: the content of a medium is like a juicey piece of meat by the burgular to distract the watchdog of the mindà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦The effects of technology do not occur at the level of opinions or concepts, but alter sense ratios or patterns of perception steadily and without rissistance he recoginised and understood the power of media and argued how it plays an important part in shaping and structuring human culture in terms of the way we communicate and the way we experience the world. we shape our tools and then our tools shape us McLuhan also saw the importance of new media technologies as new media brings new forms of communication. Mcluhan formed the concept of hot media and cool media: In this theory McLuhan gave the lable of hot media to forms of media that stimulate only one of the human senses whilst interacting with it, for example he suggests listeing to the radio or reading a book, watching a film, Viewing a photograph or sitting in a lecture require one sense. However cool media requires more active partisipation this form of media can be Conversation, television, telephone, comics, the seminar. he belives the electonic age offers a more diverse multi sensory environment, he claims we use more of our senses with multimedia rather than singlular media and this makes us more true to our natural state. In this theory Mcluhan looks simplistically to the physical interaction in terms of senses and doesnt acknowledge the engagment the singular media has to our imagination or to our sentiment. Although McLuhan is incredibley insightful he does get critised for not leaving room for evaluation, he looks generally and broadly not looking at individuality or things suc h as values; as indicated in a dibate with Norman Mailer 1968. Re-tribalised Man McLuhan had another theory were he defined three ages of man, separated according to the means of the form of communication (media) used and which of our senses is involed. In this theory McLuhan identifies the first age was the preliterate or tribal era Where the spoken word was the main way to communicate and our hearing was our most important sense, He also identified the second age is the gutenberg Age where the main media was the written word (print) and our sight became more important than our hearing. McLuhan then goes on to suggest the third age is the electronic age of the re-tribalized Man where all our senses are involved in the interaction to the form of media. Mcluhan doesnt suggest the book or the print is not still important, there is just a shift in the nature of the book; by this he means there is change with how we interact with books and how much we depend on it. As the book before digital media was the sourse of all our information about the world and each other. before the book we relied on verbal communication to exchange information to and from each other, it was a communal interactive experience where as the book is a very private experience and he sees we are shifting back to a more social interactive way of sharing information. Mcluhan compares the writen word to an assembley line where words like parts are moving in one diraction and assembled one part at a time and he speaks of how at the time the assembley line has changed where its no longer one component at a time its now as many parts delivered mechanically all at once where ever possible. he says you relise its no longer a line but an open field , He also talkes of the tribal man in this quote The world is like a continually sounding tribal drum constantly bangingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the princess gets married in London bang bang bang we hear about ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Global Village McLuhan saw technology as having become an extension of our senses. McLuhan saw the Radio or Telephone as an extension of the ear and Television and Computer as being the extension of our eyes. These technologies allowed us to project our senses beyond our limited physical range. He saw the pace of which we can communicate through electronic media is parallel to the speed of our senses. Through technology such as the telephone, television, computer systems and the Internet, we are able to Interact with people across the world as quickly as it would take us to contact and converse with the people who inhabit the same physical space as us (i.e the people that live in the same village). To understand what McLuhan means with the term global village we need to identify what he meant by village in this metaphor. In a sense the village represents a small environment in which people can easily communicate and interact quickly and know of all the events that takes place. As McLuhan writes: Time has ceased, space has vanished. We now live in a global village a simultaneous happening McLuhan is communicating the idea that through our extended senses we can now share and experience things on a global scale, we can share things with people on the other side of the world, as if we were with people in the same physical space. McLuhan also saw the global village as a potentially invasive community in an interview McLuhan says: the global village isnt a place where you have harmony. It has extreme concern in everyone elses business and much involvement in everyone elses life. it means huge involvement in everyones affairsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The global village is as big as a planet and as small as a village post office. In many senses I think McLuhan was very insightful when talking about the global village to the shift into the digital age of which we live today, particularly when analyzing the quote above and applying it to social media such as Facebook . On sites like Facebook there is constant dramas and bickering whether this is caused by over sharing some information or people digging into someone elses information, so we can see validation in McLuhans quote. However there are many good qualities to social media too such as being instantly connected to friends and family across the world. I can also see that McLuhan also had something in his idea about certain medias being an extension of our physical selves, although he did not mean it literally one can see that todays generation are constantly attached to their mobile phones, although its not actually physically part of us we are rarely without it as if it were a detachable appendage. The device is kept at hand like a pair of glasses. I think McLuhan is not only correct when talking about the computer or telephone but also television, I think it can allow us to experience the world and some situations as close as we can without physically being there, like living life looking through a window we get to see what world wide tragedies are being broadcast in the news as if we were there viewing it for ourselves. With television we can get to experience a reality from a distance.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe Essay -- essays research papers

Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe Increasing our knowledge of Physics, using the scientific method to make observations and test hypotheses is essential to unlocking the secrets of the universe. Energy is one of the most fundamental elements of the universe. Throughout history, man has endeavored to expose, understand, and explain how and why things work. This drive to expand our understanding eventually led to the development of the scientific method and what is commonly considered to be the king of the sciences, Physics. The effects of energy on the physical world are of great interest to Physicists. The scientific method was developed during the seventeenth century. It is based on collaborative efforts of the great scientists and mathematicians who lived during that period such as Francis Bacon, Galileo Galilee, Johannes Kepler, and Rene’ Descartes. These men realized that true knowledge must be based on empirical observation and verified by experimentation. Recently, physicists have been searching for a un ifying theory to bring all of the fields of Physics together under a single umbrella theory expressed as a short equation. This so called unifying field theory will usher in a new era in physics and greatly increase our understanding of the workings of the universe Physics is the king of science, and Sir Issac Newton is the king of Physics. Physics deals with matter, motion, force, and energy. In order to understand motion, one needs to look no further the Sir Issac Newton. Newton’s studies eventually led to the development of three distinct, but related theories dealing with velocity, acceleration, inertia, friction and momentum, these theories are so widely accepted that they are commonly called â€Å"Newton’s Three Laws of Motion.† These laws, after almost three hundred years of testing and scrutiny, remain as fundamental principles governing the world we live in. By increasing our understanding of energy and the laws governing it, Newton’s laws have dramatically changed our world and promise to continue to change it in the years to come. Newton’s first law states that if the vector sum of the forces acting on an object is zero, then the object will remain at rest or remain moving at constant velocity. This means that an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by a net force. It also means that an object in motion will rem ain in moti... ... â€Å"OVERVIEW† This site is basically just a lecture that explains the structure and naming of aliphatic hydrocarbon compounds in a basic manner. The site has some information on organic chemistry, which are synthetic carbon chemicals which are grouped with the natural ones. The site also has information about which organic compounds are used in our everyday life. (5) â€Å"BONDING IN BENZENE† Jim Clark maintains this site. In order to have a good understanding of this site, it is a good idea if you have knowledge about the bonding in methane, and the bonding in ethene. This site has real good information on how benzene is built and the benzene ring. (6) â€Å"How do you go about determining Constitutional Isomers of a Molecular Formula?† R.H.Logan maintains this site. This site lets you know that Isomers are compounds that have the same molecular formula. The site also shows you how to you can find out if you have equivalent isomers and what an isopropyl branch is. This is a dull site, but pretty informative.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Importance of Qualifications from an Aviation Manager’s Perspective Essay

Aviation is described as aircraft operation with the objective of providing air transportation. Air transportation can further be defined as all the civil flying which is performed by air carriers which are certificated and also the general aviation. The industry of air transport can be credited for its vital role it plays in the today’s global world. Management of the aviation industry is complex and thus it requires one to be competent so as to be able to deal with the challenges that face this industry in our modern world. In addition, the organizational and industrial overview of the air line business is also a complex task and can not be managed by a person who does not have qualifications in aviation management. One needs to have qualification in aviation management so as to make the organization to excel in the job market as well as to manage the other employees so as to improve performance of the organization (Yilmaz, 2008). To be able to manage the organization effectively, one need to understand on the quality of services that the company should produce so as to attract more customers and also he should have leadership traits which can enable him or her to control the behavior of the employees toward achievement of the organization. He should also be able to control conflicts that may be arising in the organization to make sure that workers are satisfied and thus they are working in a conducive environ Aviation industry need a management personnel who is competent so that he or she can be able evaluate the quantitative methods and applications in the organization. The personnel should be able to use the scientific management theories so as to support the situations of decision making by giving sound decisions which can help the organization to grow and even run profitably (Yilmaz, 2008). He or she should be able to use and apply various concepts in the organization such as the techniques of linear programming, the simulation methods, and the models of inventory control as well as the decision theory to ensure the organization is running efficiently. Furthermore, there is need for management personnel in the field of aviation to have knowledge about managerial accounting since it is a necessity in management. This will enable him or her to identify, accumulate, report and interpret the information about cost so as to make decision and control the general operation context (Yilmaz, 2008). It will also enable him to utilize and evaluate information supplied to him or her from accounting department. Having knowledge on managerial accounting can enable the management personnel to be able to have accounting tool which can enable him or her in determining on the performance of the organization. Aviation management personnel should be also qualified in the non profit and governmental accounting to enable him or her to be able to investigate the environment for decision making from a perspective of non-profit entity or public sector. This will enable the personnel to be able to analyze the consequences and also the regulation impact and the established pronouncements by governmental Accounting standards board, which is the comptroller of US and also the office of the general accounting for the federal. Aviation management personnel should also have knowledge on the financial management so that he can be able to have financial analysis, have measurement on the capital costs, capital management, capital budgeting, valuation and also in determining the analysis of the capital structures. A manager in the aviation industry should be competent and should be aware on the impact of the government as well as the current issues concerning aviation industry. He should be aware of this issue not particularly in the country but at a perspective of the world or globe. Aviation management personnel should be able to identify the market segment, to identify the trends that the organization must follow to achieve performance of the organization as well as identifying the developments that need to be introduced in the organization depending on the change in technological know how (Yilmaz, 2008). He should also be aware of the international standards required in the air transport industry so as to be competitive the market. Also being qualified will enable one to understand on the regulations and rules that govern air transport industry and make decisions on how to manage the operation of the organization according to such rules. The personnel should be able to forecast on the future trends and challenges using the present and the past trends of the industry so as to make the organization to be competitive in the market. There is also need of management aviation personnel to be competent so as to be able to identify the output and demand determinants in the organization as well as the labor relations. All in all, it is important for one to be qualified in aviation so as to be competent in the field of management in aviation industry. This is because one will be able to control all activities necessary in such industry so as to make it run efficiently and effectively for the growth or profitability of the organization.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Narendra Modi Essay

Born in 1950. 1960-1970 Tea, Tea, Tea! A cup of Tea for 10 cents. Would you like to have some tea sir? 2001- Chief Minister of Gujarat, one of the biggest states of India and remained as the Chief Minister for four consecutive terms until he became the Prime Minister of India in 2014. Before Narendra Modi became the Prime minister of India, corruption was the only key to success in India. A couple years ago, my mom got her divers license in Muscat, where I stay and she wanted Indian driving license so that she could drive in India as well. She went to the department office, and to her surprise there was this guy standing at the entrance of the office gate who was ready to give her an original driver’s license without having to give a test for half the price in no time. My mom did that because she didn’t want to stand in a line for like hours to get her license. Last summer, I drove to the department office to get my license but I couldn’t dare to get one illegally. Modiâ€℠¢s new law says that any person reporting an instance of corruption will be rewarded and person engaging in corruption will be punished. So now, you’ve got more eyes watching you than before if you’re in India committing any kind of crime. A brilliant idea to stop corruption because he realizes that not many are willing to eradicate corruption until they have some personal gain. During his election campaign, Modi spoke about his plan to replace the whole legal system of India with fewer new laws. The opposition party and many business men argued that only a more rigorous legal system can help prevent corruption. More than 65% of the population was corrupt. According to India times, Modi responded, â€Å"My election campaign is totally based on what I will do as a Prime Minister and what a government should do is to create a positive climate that will bring investment. I don’t make false promises. This is what I will do and vote for me only if you want this.† If I were him, then I would never dare to talk about such a plan that would invite criticism during the election campaign. Normally, a person would think that Modi just lost 65% of the votes that he had already won. But guess what, Modi not only had those 65% in his favor, but also the others supported him because he offered a brighter future for India. Previously, one would need to take multiple approvals for an action, running from this govt office to that govt office, etc. Today you need to go to one govt office where you only need to take a couple approvals to begin action. According to times of  India, Modi created history when he invited the prime ministers of the south Asian countries including that of Pakistan to his prime ministerial swearing ceremony after which they discussed their political issues. Getting over the ego, takes a lot of guts. In an important meeting with representatives of the neighboring countries, he asked the nations to be clear and declare immediately whether the countries were with India or against India, so that it isn’t like good face to face and later crossing borders and firing soldiers. The outcome of this meeting was a peace treaty signed by South Asian prime ministers (SO no more world war 3 between India and Pakistan), improved trade relations and took action for the better of collective south Asia. Here is a glass of water. Some people will say that the glass is half filled by water, some will say that the glass is half empty. He believes in the third view as explained in the Economic Times. According to him, the glass is half of water and half of air because only optimism can encourage courage. Here is a short video of what the Indian prime minister has accomplished in his 1st 100 working days which no other prime minister ever has. TO conclude,  Modi is a business man because he is a risk-taking, profit-minded person and I call him courageous because he has the courage to believe the unbelievable. Today, he is the inspiration of Indian youth. If you’re looking for Leadership, Governance and Decision Making, then vote for Modi. Thank you. Modi says, â€Å"people throw stones at me and I show courage by collecting those stones and making a temple out of them.† During his election campaign, he openly blamed the then chief minister of Delhi for corruption. The whole of india blindly trusted her that time because she was like this mother figure who would die for her country and blabla. Guess what, delhi chief minister was investigated and she was found guilty. Imagine, if she was not found guilty which was very much possible considering the power she had, then he would have not gained a single vote. He says that business lies in taking risks and higher the risks, higher the profits are. Modi had applied for visa to the United States and was rejected  3 times while he was the chief minister of Gujarat. But one day before the 2014 prime ministerial election results were out, Barak Obama sent an invitation to Narendra Modi requesting him to visit America. This doesn’t talk about Modi’s courage but indirectly speaks about his bold and aggressive nature which even forced Obama to invite Modi a day before he was announced as the Pri me Minister.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Santas Lap Christmas Improv Drama Game

'Santas Lap' Christmas Improv Drama Game Santas Lap is a variation on a theater game called Surprise Guests. As with that character guessing game, one person will leave the stage area and be out of earshot. The remaining cast members will then gather suggestions from the audience by asking them: Who should I be? The audience may suggest generic character types: cowboy, opera singer, cheerleader, or other suggestions. They may also suggest specific individuals: Walt Disney, Vladimir Putin, Queen Elizabeth, or characters from books or movies. Or, the audience can be encouraged to offer bizarre suggestions, such as: A man without any bonesA woman who is madly in love with pastaA child who fears candy How to Play After each cast member has received a character, all then form a single-file line. The person playing Santa enters in character, and the scene begins. Santa may be played in a very genuine sort of way (think Miracle on 34th Street), or he may be portrayed as a disgruntled mall Santa (as in A Christmas Story). After Santa interacts with the audience or perhaps with an elf employee, the first character in line sits on Santas lap. (Or they can just approach Santa if sitting is not appropriate to the character.) As Santa asks what the person wants for Christmas, he will also engage in a conversation that will deliver funny little clues about the identity of the character. As with Surprise Guests, the goal isnt so much to correctly guess the character. Instead, the performers should focus on humor and character development. Make the most of the interaction between Santa Claus and his mystery lap-sitter. After the lap-sitter has been identified, then Santa moves on to the next person in line. Note: In order to make the improv game more dynamic, Santa should feel free to move from his chair, taking the characters to see his workshop, sled, or reindeer barn. Tips To help plan a successful improv event, check out these tips: You wont need a ton of space for this question-and-answer guessing game, but you will want at least five people to play. If you have that few, you can rotate people in and out of the audience and can rotate the people being Santa in different rounds, as each round will move quickly. If you have a lot of people, you can still rotate Santa after a particular number of characters guessed, such as every 10, or after a certain length of time, say 15 or 20 minutes, depending on how Santa is doing.If children are involved in the game, take their knowledge of famous people or characters into account when choosing the subjects.When coming up with your subjects, the more creative you can be, the more lively the game will be. Having someone pretend to be a data entry clerk, for example, will not be as spirited for the actor as, say, a skydiver with a fear of heights. Get an emotional element into the character suggestion when possible. This can also help the actor to think up what he or she wan ts from Santa for Christmas, as the character will have a need of something built into his or her role from the start.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Erre Moscia - Dispelling Linguistic Myths and Legends

Erre Moscia - Dispelling Linguistic Myths and Legends ​ The bulk of our linguistic competency is learned at an early age- normally before we even show signs of having acquired this ability. We listen to pronunciations, intonations and cadences, and use it all to fashion our own way of speaking. As adults, we can watch this process taking place in young children learning to talk. What we dont usually observe is that we begin to form opinions about another person based solely upon the way he or she speaks. Accents define us in more ways than we care to admit. Usually these preconceptions remain subconscious, only revealed, for example, when we believe someone with a heavier accent less intelligent than ourselves. Other times, the notions are much closer to the surface.One such highly debated presumption of Italian phonology centers on the misunderstood letter r which is typically pronounced as an alveolar trill in the front of the mouth. However, in some parts of Italy, notably Piedmont and other parts of the northwest near the French borde r, r is produced as a uvular sound in the back of the mouth. This is known as erre moscia or soft r and many Italians have crowned this unfortunate pronunciation wrong, going so far as to say that all those who speak with erre moscia are either snobby or have a speech impediment. Before making such assumptions about erre moscia, we must understand a few simple facts about its background. The History of R The letter r has a distinct history in many languages. In the phonetic table of consonants it hides under the label liquid or approximant, which are just fancy terms for letters halfway between consonants and vowels. In English, it is one of the last sounds to be developed, possibly because children arent always certain what people are doing to produce the sound. Researcher and linguist Carol Espy-Wilson used an MRI to scan the vocal tract of Americans saying the letter r. In order to produce r, we must constrict our throats and lips, position our tongue and engage the vocal cords, all of which requires a lot of well-timed effort. She discovered that different speakers use different tongue positions, yet exhibit no change in the sound itself. When a person does produce a sound differing from normal r, that person is said to exhibit signs of rhotacism (rotacismo in Italian). Rhotacism, coined from the Greek letter rho for r, is an excessive use or peculiar pronunciation of r. Why Piedmont? The phrase no man is an island relates just as well to human languages as to human emotions. Despite the efforts of many language purists to prevent influences from other languages entering their own, there is no such thing as an isolated linguistic environment. Wherever two or more languages exist side-by-side, there is the possibility of language contact, which is the borrowing and intermingling of words, accents and grammatical structures. The northwest region of Italy, because of its shared border with France, is in a prime position for infusion and mixing with French. Many of Italys dialects evolved similarly, each changing differently depending on the language with which it came into contact. As a result, they became almost mutually incomprehensible. Once any alteration has taken place, it remains within the language and is passed from generation to generation. Linguist Peter W. Jusczyk has conducted research in the field of language acquisition. It is his theory that our capacity to perceive speech directly affects how we learn our native tongue. In his book The Discovery of Spoken Language Jusczyk examines a number of studies which demonstrate that from approximately six to eight months of age, infants can distinguish subtle differences in every language. By eight to ten months, they are already losing their universal ability to detect delicate phonetic differences in order to become specialists in their own language. By the time production begins, they are accustomed to certain sounds and will reproduce them in their own speech. It follows that if a child only hears erre moscia, that is how he will pronounce the letter r. While erre moscia occurs in other regions of Italy, those instances are considered deviations whereas in t he northwest region erre moscia is perfectly normal. It is no secret that r- at least in the beginning- is a very difficult sound to produce. It is one of the last sounds children learn to say correctly, and has proven a rather difficult hurdle for people trying to learn a foreign language who claim they cannot roll their rs. However, it is doubtful that people who speak with erre moscia have adopted that sound due to an inability to pronounce another kind of r. Speech therapists who work with children to correct a variety of impediments (not just for the letter r) say that they have never witnessed a case where a child substitutes a uvular r for another one. The idea doesnt make much sense because erre moscia is still a version of the letter (albeit not the popular one) and still requires complicated positioning of the tongue. More likely, a child will substitute the semivowel w sound which is close to the letter r and easier to pronounce, making them sound like Elmer Fudd when he shouted Dat waskily wabbit! As for a snobbish affectation, there are certainly examples of wealthy, prominent Italians who speak with this accent. Actors who wish to depict an aristocrat from the 1800s are said to adopt erre moscia. There are even more recent examples of wealthy Italians who speak with erre moscia, such as the recently deceased Gianni Agnelli, industrialist and principle shareholder of Fiat. But it should not be ignored that Agnelli was from Turin, the capital city of the Piedmont region where erre moscia is part of the regional dialect. Certainly the phenomenon of erre moscia in Italian speech is not the consequence of any one variable but rather a combination. Some people may choose to use erre moscia in an effort to seem more refined, though considering the stigma attached, it would seem to defeat the purpose. It doesnt appear to be a speech impediment because erre moscia is not any easier to produce than the normal Italian r. More likely it is the result of language contact with French and adoption as part of the native dialect. However there are still many questions surrounding this unusual sound and the debate will continue among speakers of Italian, both native and foreign.About the Author: Britten Milliman is a native of Rockland County, New York, whose interest in foreign languages began at age three, when her cousin introduced her to Spanish. Her interest in linguistics and languages from around the globe runs deep but Italian and the people who speak it hold a special place in her heart.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Cause of homelessness

Homelessness in Australia can be defined in three categories; ‘Primary homelessness’ which is experienced by people without conventional accommodation, ‘Secondary homelessness’ is experienced by people who frequently move from one temporary shelter to another and ‘Tertiary homelessness’ which is experienced by people staying in accommodation that falls below minimum community standards. The first stimuli picture shows a person who is living though primary homelessness, living on the streets with only a few blankets to sleep with. Homeless people generally feel embarrassed, isolated and depressed; they are also cold, hungry and become lonely. They usually need medical attention, medications, blanket, clothing and in need of a friendship. In Australia there are 105, 237 people affected by homelessness and 27% of them are under 18. There are 59% of them either living in overcrowded dwelling or supported accommodation and the other 41% are living on the streets or in boarding houses specify designed for the homeless. There are many causes that lead to homelessness in Australia, some of which include; long term unemployment, shortage of affordable rental housing, poverty, mental illness and the exiting of state care or prison. Domestic violence is the largest cause of homelessness in Australia. Homelessness can also be caused by family breakdown, sexual assault, drug and alcohol addictions, gambling and social isolation. Some people especially adolescences are homeless because they were kicked out of home, have a lack of education or were abandoned by their family and friends. Homelessness usually results in being away from family, friends and the rest of the community so it is difficult to maintain school or further study which leads to them being vulnerable to long term unemployment and chronic ill-health. Homeless Australians are often excluded from participating in social, recreational, cultural and economic opportunities. All of these present factors of homelessness led to people having depression, poor nutrition, poor dental health, substance abuse, mental health issues and may even results in suicide. Children who experience homelessness are more likely to become homeless as adults and raise families who, in turn, may also become homeless. The causes and consequences of homelessness are also talked about throughout the New and Old Testament. Showing us that over time, the injustice of homelessness has not changed, we are still fighting the same battles. In the bible passage by Isaiah (58:7) in the Old Testament he writes, â€Å"Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter when you see the naked, to clothe them and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? † The injustice issue of homelessness is discussed in this passage; it explains that to be a true catholic means sharing and giving to the poor and not to turn away from them just because they are without homes. The second bible passage that relates to homelessness is a passage from Matthew (8:20) in the New Testament, where he writes â€Å"Jesus replied, â€Å"Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head. † Matthew is telling us that Jesus was comparing animals having homes to people having none and how that is unfair. Both scripture references relate to the issue of homelessness in contemporary society as people are still being sent to the streets while animals are being put in homes and people are still looking down on the homeless and not fulfilling their roles as Catholics. Also both scripture reference relate to the beatitude â€Å"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth, which means bless the poor (homeless) as they are a part of the earth. As well as homelessness issues being discussed in the bible, we as Catholics also learn about homelessness from the catholic social teaching. Catholic Social Teaching, are the teachings of the Church on social justice issues. One of the Catholic Social Teaching is ‘Human Dignity Human Rights’ teaching. The concept of Human Dignity is the main concern of Catholics thinking about human rights. The Catholic Church believes that each person is created in the image and likeness of God and is therefore equal in dignity and equal rights. Human dignity is absolute: a person does not ever lose their dignity, example; from being in poverty. Respecting ones dignity implies that the individual has access to the basic necessities of life which enable them to live humanly, which homeless people do not, as in most cases they are living in rough conditions (e.  g. on the street with no shelter). Papal social teaching refers to the teachings of the Popes throughout history that have dealt with the social issues of human life. The Papal teaching by Pope John XXIII in 1961demonstated Catholic’s views on human dignity and human rights, this is stated when he wrote, â€Å"The amount a worker receives must be sufficient, in proportion to available funds, to allow him and his family a standard of living consistent with human dignity. † This can be evident though the reaching out to those in need e. g. The homeless and giving employees a sufficient pay to be able to live a for filled life. Another of the Catholic Social Teaching is ‘The Common good’ teaching, it tells us that the rights and needs of others, individuals and the community must be balanced with the common good and always respected. The Papal teaching written by Pope John Paul II In 1990 discusses the Common good, when it states, â€Å"this love of preference for the poor, and the decisions which it inspires in us, cannot but embrace the immense multitudes of the hungry, the homeless†. This could be demonstrated by caring for the homeless and by showing the homeless that we can help them and that we respect them. One catholic organisation working to solve the issue of homelessness in Australia is St. Vincent De Paul. One catholic organisation working with injustices such as homelessness, in Australia is St. Vincent de Paul and its ‘Matthew Talbot Homeless Services’. Its aims include, being strongly committed to a range of issues that put men, women and families at risk of homelessness. Its activities include; having13 services for single homeless men including the Matthew Talbot hostel and outreach services in the inner city. The hostel caters for 100 men each night, has 80 outreach beds and help for those with mental health issues. The service also has special initiatives for women and children and up to 20 families who are escaping domestic violence and / or homelessness. The service is committed to helping those who are homeless, addressing issues of alcohol and other drug usage and to breaking the cycle of homelessness and domestic violence. The Matthew Talbot Homeless Service achieves their goals for helping the homeless though their activities and projects. Homelessness is a major social injustice in contemporary Australian society, The Scripture references, Social Catholic Teachings and Papal teachings also show that homelessness has been an issue for Catholics thought history and though the help of Catholic organisations the issue of homelessness is being fought and will hopefully one day is won. ESSAY TWO A well know catholic figure that is actively engaged in social justice issues in Australia is Father Chris Riley. Social justice refers to the formation of a just society, where justice refers to more than just the administration of laws, it is the idea of a society in which all individuals and groups are treated fairly and equally. Issues with social justice refer to when individuals or groups are not being treating with the same basic human rights as someone else, e. g. people who are homeless or in poverty. Father Chris Riley is a priest who has devoted his life to working with social injustice issues such as homelessness. Father Chris Riley (Riley) grew up in Victoria and at the age of 14 decided that he wanted to work with homeless young people. He was influenced by the 1938 movie Boys Town, which was loosely based on the work of Father Edward Flanagan. Straight from school Riley joined the Salesian religious order to become a Catholic priest and after graduating as a teacher and taking his vows, he worked for two years with the Boy’s Town charity in Sydney. While working at a school in Sydney later on in life, he saw one of the students crying in the freezing rain, this led him to working with that student and many other homeless people. This resulted in Father Chris Riley setting up the Youth of the Streets to help the chronically homeless, a highly successful organisation that has become known worldwide. Father Chris Riley is the founder and CEO of the organization dedicated to helping young Australians in trouble for the past 35 years. As CEO of Youth Off The Streets, Father Riley oversees the operation of over 35 programs that employ over 180 staff and involve more than 250 volunteers. He has also implemented innovative behaviour strategies to help young people deal with a history of trauma, abuse and neglect. Youth Off the Streets first started with a single food van run by Riley, delivering meals to young homeless people on the street of Kings Cross, now the organisation is running four high school crisis accommodation, rehabilitation facilities, counselling and parenting programs in New South Wales. His work as a priest and a principle at Boys Town High in Sydney led him to pursue the work he is achieving now and without that experience Father Chris Riley would not be working with youth who are faced with social justice issues. Riley now spends hours on the road driving to different charities and organizations and working with the social injustice of homelessness on a day to day basis. Getting released from Boy’s Town school to work on the streets with homeless youth with one van, it’s believe that there is no such thing as a child born bad, it is only bad circumstances, bad environments such as violent household or broken families that consequently led to bad choices made by the child, that has made him so successful. Social injustice is when individuals or groups are not being treating with the same basic human rights as someone else. An Australian Catholic figure, Father Chris Riley works with social justice issues such as homelessness, though his organisation Youth Off The Streets. His religious identity and life experiences led him to work in this area. His passion and strong believe in what’s right has meant that he has successfully helped thousands of people rehabilitate and go on to lead a happy and fulfilling life.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Think of one character from hamlet who makes either a good decision or Essay

Think of one character from hamlet who makes either a good decision or a bad decision. Identufy that decisiom, tell us how it a - Essay Example This essay considers Hamlet’s decision to delay killing Claudius, examines how it affects Hamlet, indicates why Hamlet made that decision, and indicates that Hamlet made the wrong decision. Hamlet’s decision to delay killing Claudius represents the worst decision of the play and the decision to which nearly all negative narrative elements emerge from. One of the primary reasons for the negative aspects of this decision is the problems it creates with Hamlet’s relationships. During the beginning scenes of the play the reader comes to grasps Hamlet’s growing anger at Claudius. Referring to Claudius who asks Hamlet a question, Hamlet responds, â€Å"A little more than kin, a little less than kind† (Act I, scene ii, 267). Here Hamlet is indicating the nature of his relationship with Claudius in a negative way; more than kin means Claudius is now more than merely his uncle, and less than kind means Hamlet is angered about this occurrence. While this stat ement doesn’t overtly indicate Hamlet’s psychic dysfunction, it does give an early indication of his growing negative demeanor that would come to affect not only him, but all the other characters in the play. As this act advances and Hamlet interacts with his mother, his general spite and hatred becomes evident. He states, â€Å"'Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother,/ Nor customary suits of solemn black,/ Nor windy suspiration of forced breath,/ No, nor the fruitful river in the eye,/ Nor the dejected 'havior of the visage,/ Together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief,/ That can denote me truly† (Act I, scene ii, 280-285). At this point it’s clear that Hamlet has been significantly affected by his father’s death and is angered at Claudius for the action. In these regards, Hamlet’s indecision to kill Claudius and resolve the problem has both affected his relationship with his mother. Another of the central elements related to Hamletâ €™s decision to delay killing Claudius is the psychic confusion it creates within Hamlet’s own demeanor. While Hamlet’s decision not to kill Claudius at this point has affected his relationship with his mother, perhaps the more central concern of this decision is its effect it had on Hamlet himself. While earlier Hamlet had indicated his discontentment towards Claudius, he later goes to internalize his discontent. In Hamlet’s first soliloquy, the reader comes to realize the incredible psychic confusion and anger Hamlet is experiencing. Hamlet states, â€Å"Oh, that this too, too sullied flesh would melt,/ Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew,/ Or that the Everlasting had not fixed/ His canon 'gainst self-slaughter! O God, God!† (Act I, scene ii, 333-336). Here the reader discovers that Hamlet is experiencing suicidal thoughts as a result of the actions relating to Claudius. Indeed, this becomes a prominent theme throughout the play, with many of Hamlet ’s soliloquys indicating his intense passion and desire to commit suicide; this is perhaps most notably seen in ‘to be or no to be’ soliloquy. With this intensity of expression, it’s clear that Hamlet would be better off murdering Claudius and resolving his psychic confusion, rather than suffering the sling and arrows of outrageous fortune. In addition to Hamlet’s decision to delay killing Claudius affecting his demeanor and his relations with others, Shakespeare also indicates that the combining of these elements is also a treacherous element throughout the pla

Political Science 101 - Citation linking assignment Essay

Political Science 101 - Citation linking assignment - Essay Example The paper examines the relevance of South African interim constitution. It has related Common Law to the interim constitution. The rights asserted on the interim constitution have been critiqued against the intrinsic approach of common law. The interim constitution has risks in terms of its implications on common people. The paper tries to analyze South African interim constitution in the light of the freedom and security that the common law provided for the people. The political scenario in South Africa has been examined by the author in the light of post implementation of interim constitution. The plans to merge the provisions of Common Law into interim constitution have been analyzed in the paper. The constitutionlisation and politicization of issues which could be the implications of South African interim constitution has been is associated with Common Laws. The paper cross examines the proposals for South African interim constitution. The implications on common law have been discussed. The rights to access, accretion, and avulsion as per the nature of common law have been found to be lacking in the interim constitution. The impact of the judgments on the balance of federal and state judicial systems and its impact on the common-law process have been discussed. This paper relates Common Laws to the constitution. The paper describes common law as to be decentralized. The paper examines the history of the evolution of English Common Law; it analyzes how Roman law of Justinian and the ecclesiastical canon law have influenced the former. The paper reexamines Common Law in a historical perspective. The crucial influences that constituted Common Law have been detailed in the paper. This article traces the evolution of the executive and illustrates the historical relationship between the perceived interests of the ruling political elites and the evolution of executive power. The scope and powers of the executive

Sales Force Compensation Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Sales Force Compensation - Coursework Example The features of the Compensation Plan of Hindustan Unilever are cited below: - 1) The first feature is Salesman of the Month which aims to reward the best salesman in the organization. It is completely a performance based reward awarded to the best salesman. This award is given when the employee meets its target or exceeds it. 2) The second feature is Customer delight. This is also a reward that is based on the performance of the employee. The reward is presented to the employee keeping in view his dealings with the customers, both internal and external (Hindustan Unilever Limited, 2013a). 3) The third feature is an A-T book which records all the achievements of the employees and at the end of a quarter rewards the employees who succeeds by maximum achievements. This is a good way public recognition (Hindustan Unilever Limited, 2013a). 4) The fourth feature is TOTB, which means ‘think outside the box’ (Manwani, 2014). This reward is given to that employee who comes up with new ideas and suggestions to enhance the business of the organization. 5) The fifth feature is On the Spot award. This is a very special award in HUL. The award is given to those employees for their on the spot attitude towards a particular situation, which gives a lot of honor to the employees. 6) The sixth feature is Target Commission, which gives monetary benefit to the employees. Here, the employees get a percentage (for example, 2% or 4%) of the target amount, if fulfilled (Hindustan Unilever Limited, 2013a). The higher the volume of sales, the higher the commission received. For any kind of reward, the employees must possess a positive attitude towards fulfilling its target. They must be self-motivated, enthusiastic, energetic, and focus-oriented in order to qualify for the rewards. The behaviors those are required for the above mentioned rewards are mentioned accordingly as follows; 1) Salesman of the Month- This is

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10

Terrorism - Essay Example They therefore result to terrorism as a fight back mechanism and to destabilize the government. Some also want to loot the national resources and this cannot be done in a stable country. They therefore strike then when the chaos ensue they loot and defraud the government. Yungher identifies a number of goals that terrorists want to achieve with their activities. They include political motives. Since a certain group is not satisfied with the government that is ruling they result to terrorism to destabilize it. Economic reasons. This is evident mainly in the ocean where ships are taken and a ransom required to flee them. This has been one of the major ways of getting an income from the terrorists. Another goal is to intimidate a certain group of people. This is done in regions where they want to dominate. Religious terrorism is also common and religious intolerance has facilitated the rise in terrorist activities across the world. The major component is fear. A certain group feels insecure that they result to terrorism to feel secure. The other one is violence. After being attacked, certain people result to terrorism as the way of fighting back. Violence is a major component of terrorism and many terror attacks are depicted by the violence involved. Religion. Religion has played a key role in shaping terrorism. Religious intolerance has been seen as a major reason in boosting terror activities. Civilian targets. Many terrorists will attack the civilians as a way o passing their message. A good example is the September 2001 attack in the US. Terrorists use the social media to execute their terror activities. From my opinion, the social media is a good choice due to the large number of people that they are able to reach. The anonymity that is guaranteed by the social media is also needed. Propaganda has been used as a tool for long in various mischiefs and so many terrorists use it to intimidate their target. They therefore use it to claim

Market Segmentation in Sports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Market Segmentation in Sports - Essay Example By combining the aspects of merchandising and marketing into a sports range, sports merchandising is the way expert sports teams and organizations market and distribute their products to the purchaser. The vast preponderance of the marketing attempt for sports team is accomplished throughout the playing of the teams' games. Professional sports are able to create an implausible amount of experience throughout their games since their uniforms, team colors, and logos are on exhibit for the course of the game to both those in attendance, and the people inspection the game on television. Teams use dissimilar tactics and marketing maneuvers to augment attention and sales in their apparel. We will spotlight on the merchandising efforts of the Wanderer Football Club (WFC), the leader in expert sports organizations in merchandising in America. I will look at the largely merchandising effort as well as how the league markets itself through a variety of dissimilar avenues (Stephens, Tim. 2002). Sports and the mass media enjoy a symbiotic relationship. On one hand, the mass media, more than anything else, were responsible for turning organized sports from a relatively minor element of culture into a full-blown social institution in America. On the other hand, sports has been the vehicle for bringing dramatic attention to new mass media forms, which in turn have brought new sporting experiences to the public. No doubt, this marriage of sports and the mass media in USA has enabled each to flourish. Sports marketers are interested in the relationship between sports and the mass media and in how to use the media to target their messages at sports consumers. In a sense, sport marketing offers a form of narrowcasting, whereby a large group of consumers with common interests is brought together through sports events and programming. The more specific the analysis of the sports-media relationship, the more targeted is the message, and the more effective and powerful is the sports m arketing strategy in USA (Buccaneers Online). 3. Methodology Marketing Strategy What strategic issues confront the sports marketer The list is endless, and this section deals with three of the entries on the list. Licensing products has generated vast amounts of revenue for some teams as marketers take advantage of brand equity in teams and properties. In a sense, the majority marketing engages segmentation of one sort or another. This section examines one method of segmentation and in the process provides a great deal of high-quality advice about segmentation plan. When looking at the merchandising effort of professional sports teams, you must look at the top dog in this, the Wanderer Football Club (WFC) in America. Football is king in the industry in America for a lot of reasons, none larger than the vast attractiveness and viewing of the sport. In a survey by ESPN/Chilton sports, two-thirds of all Americans consider themselves to be football fans. Maybe even more shocking is

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Sales Force Compensation Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Sales Force Compensation - Coursework Example The features of the Compensation Plan of Hindustan Unilever are cited below: - 1) The first feature is Salesman of the Month which aims to reward the best salesman in the organization. It is completely a performance based reward awarded to the best salesman. This award is given when the employee meets its target or exceeds it. 2) The second feature is Customer delight. This is also a reward that is based on the performance of the employee. The reward is presented to the employee keeping in view his dealings with the customers, both internal and external (Hindustan Unilever Limited, 2013a). 3) The third feature is an A-T book which records all the achievements of the employees and at the end of a quarter rewards the employees who succeeds by maximum achievements. This is a good way public recognition (Hindustan Unilever Limited, 2013a). 4) The fourth feature is TOTB, which means ‘think outside the box’ (Manwani, 2014). This reward is given to that employee who comes up with new ideas and suggestions to enhance the business of the organization. 5) The fifth feature is On the Spot award. This is a very special award in HUL. The award is given to those employees for their on the spot attitude towards a particular situation, which gives a lot of honor to the employees. 6) The sixth feature is Target Commission, which gives monetary benefit to the employees. Here, the employees get a percentage (for example, 2% or 4%) of the target amount, if fulfilled (Hindustan Unilever Limited, 2013a). The higher the volume of sales, the higher the commission received. For any kind of reward, the employees must possess a positive attitude towards fulfilling its target. They must be self-motivated, enthusiastic, energetic, and focus-oriented in order to qualify for the rewards. The behaviors those are required for the above mentioned rewards are mentioned accordingly as follows; 1) Salesman of the Month- This is

Market Segmentation in Sports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Market Segmentation in Sports - Essay Example By combining the aspects of merchandising and marketing into a sports range, sports merchandising is the way expert sports teams and organizations market and distribute their products to the purchaser. The vast preponderance of the marketing attempt for sports team is accomplished throughout the playing of the teams' games. Professional sports are able to create an implausible amount of experience throughout their games since their uniforms, team colors, and logos are on exhibit for the course of the game to both those in attendance, and the people inspection the game on television. Teams use dissimilar tactics and marketing maneuvers to augment attention and sales in their apparel. We will spotlight on the merchandising efforts of the Wanderer Football Club (WFC), the leader in expert sports organizations in merchandising in America. I will look at the largely merchandising effort as well as how the league markets itself through a variety of dissimilar avenues (Stephens, Tim. 2002). Sports and the mass media enjoy a symbiotic relationship. On one hand, the mass media, more than anything else, were responsible for turning organized sports from a relatively minor element of culture into a full-blown social institution in America. On the other hand, sports has been the vehicle for bringing dramatic attention to new mass media forms, which in turn have brought new sporting experiences to the public. No doubt, this marriage of sports and the mass media in USA has enabled each to flourish. Sports marketers are interested in the relationship between sports and the mass media and in how to use the media to target their messages at sports consumers. In a sense, sport marketing offers a form of narrowcasting, whereby a large group of consumers with common interests is brought together through sports events and programming. The more specific the analysis of the sports-media relationship, the more targeted is the message, and the more effective and powerful is the sports m arketing strategy in USA (Buccaneers Online). 3. Methodology Marketing Strategy What strategic issues confront the sports marketer The list is endless, and this section deals with three of the entries on the list. Licensing products has generated vast amounts of revenue for some teams as marketers take advantage of brand equity in teams and properties. In a sense, the majority marketing engages segmentation of one sort or another. This section examines one method of segmentation and in the process provides a great deal of high-quality advice about segmentation plan. When looking at the merchandising effort of professional sports teams, you must look at the top dog in this, the Wanderer Football Club (WFC) in America. Football is king in the industry in America for a lot of reasons, none larger than the vast attractiveness and viewing of the sport. In a survey by ESPN/Chilton sports, two-thirds of all Americans consider themselves to be football fans. Maybe even more shocking is

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Dr. Henry Jekyll (and Mr.Hyde) was born in to a society of morality, respectability and religion Essay Example for Free

Dr. Henry Jekyll (and Mr.Hyde) was born in to a society of morality, respectability and religion Essay Dr. Henry Jekyll was born in to a society of morality, respectability and religion. It was believed that progress could only be made if everyone was self-disciplined and moralistic. Authors such as Samuel Smiles wrote Self-Help guides. All this was aimed to help the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. In an age of stern, industrious hypocrites, respect was everything to the upper and middle classes. People denied themselves alcohol, gambling and prostitution to gain the respect of others. Jekyll refers to these denied as pleasures. People lived without these pleasures but soon began to wonder what they were missing. This brought about the slum adventurers. These were middle and upper class men who wanted to keep the respect of their society but, through anonymity, still indulge in the pleasures the poor slums had to offer. They would work by day in their offices and at night would journey down to the alleys of the slums. A person such as Mr Utterson, a London lawyer who does not wish to indulge in pleasures is of a vicarious nature. It is noticed that though he enjoyed the theatre, [he] had not crossed the doors of one in twenty years. It is this vicariousness that helps him solve the case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Utterson is the opposite of Jekyll in the way that Utterson keeps the respectability of the Victorian society, whereas Jekyll rebels. The rebellious nature of Jekyll leads him to discover how to transform his appearance. Dr. Lanyon, a respectable conventional doctor of Victorian society frowns on Jekyll mostly secret work, which he refers to as unscientific balderdash. In the beginning it is difficult for us to feel sympathy for Dr. Jekyll: he is acting by his own conscience. At this current stage, he is in no way addicted to Mr. Hyde. Even the sight of Mr. Hyde pale and dwarfish who gave the impression of deformity but with no nameable malformation, according to Mr. Utterson, who had taken a loathing to my gentleman at first sight, should have forced Jekyll to recognise that Hyde was evil. It is very difficult to feel sympathy for Jekyll after we are told about when Hyde trampled calmly over a young girls body. Normally after this event anyone else would have ceased his transformation into Hyde. But Jekyll starts to become addicted to taking the drugs (as with modern addictions) and continues to turn into Hyde even after trampling the girl. As if trampling the girl was not a big enough deterrent Hyde brutally murders Sir Danvers Carew. Jekyll, knowing what had happened, easily accepts it and shifts the blame to Hyde. He shows this in Dr Jekylls full statement of the case, it was Hyde, after all, and Hyde alone that is guilty. The ease at which he accepts this and shifts the blame could almost be inhuman. But after he discovers that he begins to change into Hyde spontaneously, without the drug we see he is very self centred and selfish, I must have stared upon it half a minuteI rushed to the mirror my blood was something exquisitely thin and icy. Even though Jekyll is selfish about this, not mentioning what a terrible thing that he made now controls. We can feel some sympathy for knowing that he is trapped and at anytime Hyde might emerge over which Jekyll has no control. Alternatively we can have sympathy for a man that failed to have foreseen what would happen and stopped the process as soon as possible. But he continued to satisfy his need for the pleasures which otherwise eluded him. It is also very difficult to feel sorry for someone who knows and remembers what happens, but does not take action to prevent it. My two natures had memory in common. Surely the memories of the girl and Carew should be painful enough to force any sane and humane person to put a stop to Hydes actions. Hyde goes into hiding after Carews murder in fear of being hung, should he be caught. This removes a lot of the sympathy we may otherwise feel towards Jekyll at this point, as yet again he shows signs of being selfish and putting himself before everyone else. Some of this sympathy is regained when he is in hiding, he begins to show genuine remorse for Carews death. In the statement of the case, Jekyll finally admits to Hydes evil by saying It was no longer the fear of the gallows, it was the horror of being Hyde that racked me. This shows that Jekyll has become altruistic. Jekyll has now begun to put himself after everyone. He now excepts the he must not let Hyde free again for fear of him committing more evil. It is now we finally begin to feel sympathy and start to respect Jekyll for trying to put a stop to Hyde. Finally Jekyll commits suicide to save the world from the terror and evil Hyde could unleash. This gains him the greatest respect and sympathy. He took his life to save others from the extreme evil he had inadvertently created. He finally takes ultimate responsibility and puts a stop to Hyde. In conclusion I think that Jekyll was a victim of Victorian society where respect was everything. In some parts it is hard to offer our sympathy but his final act was one that one must respect and offer sympathy for the pain Jekyll went through. As we have seen restricting things from people can only bring out the bad side of them, as Jekyll explains, My devil had been long caged, he came out roaring. Personal freedom is one of our greatest assets and one we take very much for granted.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Target Market And Projection Marketing Essay

Target Market And Projection Marketing Essay Ikatan Sdn Bhd that provide technology measured will be officially register and Headquarters is in Shah Alam, Selangor. Ikatan Sdn Bhd aims to be the most competitive and reliable company in provide technology product. Our business concept is basically to provide technology devices that mainly focus on ultrasonic distance measures. Besides that, we also provide services for the products especially for maintenance. Warranty for 1 year will be issued to the customer. To get to us, the customer can contact us directly to our office number, fax or by internet. Our customer services are ready to help you with accurate information. 1.1.2 Product Concept Our product is low cost, simple to use, heavy duty and environment friendly. Once an order is confirmed, we will send our staff to go over costumers place to deliver our product. All prices quoted are inclusive of relevant taxes in Malaysia. The customer may pay some amount of deposit before completing the payment. Transportation fees will be charge. Our product will base according to the customers land area. Our product also can be adjusted to the customers information on how frequent they can measure the distance. 1.1.3 We have already classified our target market which we think could bring a very high profit monthly. In our case, we had agreed to divide the target market into some categories which are target customers and target places. For the target customer, we have three types of people which are contractor, university and retailer. For different type of people, there would be different rate of charge since we consciously consider their economic ability and stability. 1.1.4 The Competitive Advantages As part of the marketing n business world, we cannot run and avoid from competitors. This is the challenge that we have to face. So in order to be constantly competitive, we decided to innovate the current availability of technology in measuring and making it for easier, user friendly, low cost and the most important thing is environmental friendly. Our product intelligent system will be developed by our research department which uses up to date technology and easy maintenance. With that, we are sure that our company can compete with other competitors at the highest level in technology. 2.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A measuring tape is the common tool in measuring length and distance. However, the nature of the tool requires the user to pull out the tape according to the length that wanted to be measured. This can be problematic when the length is quite long or when measuring height and difficult places.    By replacing the tape with an ultrasonic pulse, the inconvenience can be overcome. Ultrasonic pulse greatly simplifies the process of straight line measurement. This ultrasonic pulse give benefit to user who want to measure at difficult place such as behind the cabinet that the tape cannot reach or measuring the height of ceiling Figure 2.1 : front view of Ultrasonic Distance Measure Figure 2.2 : Picture of Ultrasonic Distance Measure 2.1 Product specification Auto stop: switches off if you do not press any key for 4 min.   LCD screen on a luminous background. Memory: allows you to measure and to store 3 different measures Calculation of area and volume.   Addition and Subtraction function: allows you to add or subtract 2 measures.   Clearing of memory function: allow you to delete quickly all the measures stored.   Correction of errors: the distance measurer indicates that a distance measured is either too long, or too short.   Power supply: 1 x 9V Alkaline type Battery (Not included)   Units of Measure: Feet/Meters   Accuracy: +/-0.5%   Frequency: 40 kHz (ultrasonic pickup)   Range: 0.91m to 20m   Dimensions (H-P-l): 142 x 73 x 47mm   Weight (without battery): 144.6g   3.0 TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION Uses ultrasonic wave(40kHz) Generated in a particular direction. If there is an object in the path of this pulse, part or all of the pulse will be reflected back to the transmitter as an  echo  and can be detected through the receiver path. By  measuring the difference between the pulse being transmitted and the echo being received, it is possible to determine how far away the object is. The input of the product is the time of taken for the ultrasonic pulse bounce back from an object. Uses LCD to display measurement. Have backlight for easy reading of the measurement MARKET RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS Market size is the estimation how big our market can be in our market area. In order to determine the market size in the area, we might have one of our staff to stand with a clipboard and a sample menu in front of the space and ask pedestrians if they would frequent such an establishment. He will park himself on the corner one early morning and do the same at noon, evening and on a weekend to determine how many customers we can expect on a daily basis. This also will be particularly important when planning a budget. For every company, marketing plan is the most important part of the business. There are no uses of good quality product if the company fails to sell the product maximally. The good marketing plan should study about the customer behavior, what the customers needs and wants, which are the potential buyers and how to satisfy the customers. Customer For our business, we did some research for the targeting customers. We have classified our customers in some categories. They are contractors, university and retailer. Because of limited resources and competition in our market, we hesitant that we are able to sell our product with equal efficiency and services to the entire market. Therefore, before we decide which market to enter, we analyze the best potential buyers using market segmentation. We divided our market segmentation into three groups to offer our product with different market mix: Group 1: contractors. Group 2: university/college Group 3: retailer A contractor is a group or individual that contracts with another organization or individual (the owner) for the construction, renovation or demolition of a building, road or other structure. A general contractor is defined as such if it is the signatory as the builder of the prime construction contract for the project. Contractors conducting work for government agencies are typically referred to as prime contractors. The responsibilities of a prime contractors working under a contract are essentially identical to those outlined above. So that why we target our market to contractor, so that we can get many benefit from them. Our secondary customer is university/college. A university is an institution of higher education and research, which grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects. A university is a corporation that provides both undergraduate education and postgraduate education. We target university because their student maybe will use electronic devices for the certain courses such as engineering, architecture and many more. Next costumer is retailer. For retailer, we will deliver our products at them and they will promote and display it at costumer like civilian, student and anyone who wants to buy it. Primarily, we have planned a fine and efficient services to offer our customers. Our service is with respect to the customers demand. Customers can directly reach us by dropping by to our company at Shah Alam. We will strive in order to improve our services and meet our customers needs and satisfaction. 4.2 Market Size and Trends Figure 4.2 : Current Total Market Size for Three Consecutive Most Previous Years The size of the current total market is thoroughly taken consecutively since year 2008 until year 2010 and represented in a bar chart as above. As visualized, the size of the current total market in 2008 is 2850 units. For year 2009 and 2010, total market size is slightly increases to 2904 units. In the following year, the total size is much better among those after year 2008 when achieved to 2904 units. Competitors Strengths Weaknesses Techshop Enterprise high quality of materials most expensive Not have too much experience Kurnia Tech one year warranty most expensive Juana Sdn Bhd cheapest product among all no warranty iRaybull Enterprise good service They have many competitors even the location are strategicTable 4.2 : Major Competitors 4.3 Competition and Competitive Edge As we can see from comparison table above, there are four (4) main competitors with the same interest. The four main competitors are Techshop Enterprise, Kurnia Tech, Juana Sdn Bhd and iRaybull Enterprise. Many costumers are preferably to go among these four companies due to their strengths in marketing. However, there are some weaknesses for these companies. We successfully encountered their strengths and weaknesses as shown in the table above. This is to ensure that our company is different and far better than them. As for us we provide quality, affordable and reasonable price, on time schedule of installation, simple yet new and advanced technology, good service, friendly workers, and maintenance free. By providing all these features, we are not only giving benefits to our business but also to customers. They will find our new programmed product and service is better than others could offer. We do not need to hire foreign employees to work with us our own native is better than them. This will help to improve and to show others that we are also competent as we successfully create such technology which is the first in country. This will shake our competitors a bit. The fundamental value that had been added to our service is the main thing about customer satisfaction and guarantee. Customers are always right, that what we use. To make sure customer is always right, the review of our service and product is continuously. This can ensure customer feel good and happy with service given and product sell, also, increase marketing of company. 4.4 Estimated Market Share and Sales 4.4.1 Market Share Market share before Ikatan Sdn Bhd Market share after tree month Ikatan Sdn Bhd enter 4.5 Marketing Strategy 4.5.1 Strengths and Weakness of Competitors Our product has several competitors such as Techshop Enterprise, Kurnia Tech, Juana Sdn Bhd , iRaybull Enterprise and others. All competitors have their own strengths and weaknesses. In general, all the competitors strengths are: They have a stable financial with a good reserve of equity due to their amount of years the company has established in the market. Their company is well-known. They have regular customers. The qualities of their products are proven. They have good promotion strategies. They provide good services. They have good in take over the customer The competitors weaknesses are: They sell their product with higher price. They dont have any market plan for their customers. The location is not suitable. The working hours is not flexible From our researched, we decide that our marketing strategy is based on marketing mix. Below are the results of the research: Product Ikatan Sdn Bhd provides the product where the customers can get many benefit from using our product. Price We promote the product in a lower price compare to other competitor Location We locate our company at the strategic place that easily for customer to come and buy it. Promotion For the promotion, we use the pamphlet to approach our market target. Apart from that, we also uses our communication skills to persuade the customers and convince them that our product can give more benefit to them. 4.5.2 Overall Marketing Strategy For our product ultrasonic distance measurer, we have come out with some business strategies in order to deliver a convincing promotion: Signboard or signage at appropriate place and clearly visible. Provide delivery services to the costumer who has order the product and that will make easier for customer to take order. We will spread widely the pamphlet to the retailer and other customer to promote our product 4.5.3 Sales Tactics Ikatan Sdn Bhd sales tactics are enforced by its sales forces and direct mail. Marketing department has already assisted by sales forces hired by top management in order to distribute company information and to promote product specialties to customers. Moreover, Ikatan Sdn Bhd has developed its own website which initiated by those sales forces and company software engineers from Engineering Department. Through mail, it will be more convenience for customers to reach companys products and thus own them via internet purchasing which is easier, faster, and most importantly secured. 4.5.4 Advertising and Promotion à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Business Card All the board of company directors will be provide with business card as an advertising method when dealing with the customers. Pamphlet We use high quality and attractive pamphlets to give good perception to our customers together with the information about our company. Signboard We used high quality and coloring signboard at nearest area to attractive customers assumes them to visit and gain to try in our company. Website 4.5.6 Distribution 1. Distribution to Contractor 2. Distribution to University/College 3. Distribution to Retailer 5.0 MANAGEMENT TEAM Chief Executive Officer (CEO) MOHD ZULHIMI BIN ZAILANI 860605-56-6905 Administration Executive MUHAMMAD REDHUWAN BIN ZAINI 870120-10-5667 Operation Executive ABDUL MUID BIN MOHD SALEH 870103-03-5185 Finance Executive MOHAMAD ZULFADLI BIN MOHD ALI 870729-10-5333 Marketing Executive MOHD IZZUDDIN BIN MOHD YUNAN 860410-56-6163 5.1 Position Description Position Description 1 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Provide leadership to ensure that the mission, ethical values and core guiding principles of the Company are put into practice. Lead the executive management team to be effective developers of solutions to business challenges thereby establishing credibility throughout the organization and with the Board. Responsible for driving the Company to achieve and surpass sales, profitability, cash flow, business goals and objectives. Motivate and lead a high-performance management team; attract recruit members of the executive team not currently in place and retain the executive leadership team; provide mentoring as a cornerstone to the management career development program. Represent the Company and its values with customers, vendors, shareholders, government and regulatory bodies, other stakeholders and the public generally. Support the recruitment, selection, individual development and monitoring of the executive management team and other senior management personnel to ensure the Company maintains a strong succession plan. Spearhead the development, communication and implementation of effective growth strategies and processes. Collaborate with the executive management team to develop and implement plans for the operational infrastructure of systems, processes and personnel designed to accommodate the growth objectives of the Company. 2 Administration Executive Provide secretarial / administrative support to the Company Senior Management Reporting to Operations Manager on the day to day operations related issues. Preparing operations reports and analyzing the effectiveness and efficiency of the overall operations functions Responsible for requisition and maintenance of office equipment including furniture and fixture, telephone system, keys Responsible for printing of office stationeries, including envelopes, letterhead, name card Coordinate documents for approval Communicate with internal and external parties on matters related to administration / office management activities Liaise with the building management on building management matters e.g. car park, maintenance, safety etc. Renewal of License, Insurance, Contract, Advertisement 3 Finance Executive Provides leadership for the entire sales and sales support organization in the sales, support and implementation of Company products and services. Develop and manage account plans/profiles Create and develop customer solutions and sales proposals. Lead in the negotiation of long-term contracts. Attain and exceed forecast sales objectives for Company products and services. Identify, understand and analyze product sales applications, new product opportunities and innovative new sales ideas. Develop sales forecasts and manage them on a bi-monthly basis and submit to management. 4 Marketing Executive Create marketing plans geared toward end users for each key product within portfolio, in line with strategy and targets and within budget. Work with the in-house designer to produce materials of visual impact and within brand guidelines. Work with the business innovations department to develop new ideas for reaching end user markets using the latest in electronic technologies. Communicate to rest of marketing team about new innovations and how they can be used to leverage marketing efforts. Write copy for each product, reflecting key messages, features and benefits. Involve key stakeholders for product at each stage of campaign, and report results once completed. Preparation delivery of marketing plan within key objective. Events planning, organization and execution. Copy writing of articles, marketing materials etc. Liaison with media and publishers as required Ensuring that all marketing materials do no deviate from the established Brand image of the business. Market research and competitor analysis. Maintains up to date with professional sector news. Supporting the development of the website. Focus on both business growth and client retention. Use email, ad words and other electronic marketing techniques to inform customers of new products and generate sales. 5 Operation Executive Responsible for smooth execution of training programmers and events Responsible for providing administrative support Accountable and responsible for the entire events and programmers from initiation to closing Willing to work flexible hours whenever necessary including weekends. 6.0 FINANCIAL PLAN The administration, marketing and operational is important in a business plan. However without any proper financial planning the implementation of a business is net worth it. From the data and information that included in the financial plan, it will help the company to evaluate their ability in managing their financial in order to run the business. Financial plan is the plan that shows the short term financial requirement in order to start a new business. It also shows how the requirement can finance the business using internal and external source. Beside that it can prove the reliable information about changes ion net resource resulting from profit directed activities. Financial planning is the last thing to prepare in this project to complete the business plan. It consists of total expenditure and budget to establish a good business. All the expenditure is such as administration, marketing, and operation budget. Actually, the basic objective of financial plan is to provide financial information which is important in determining some economic decision. Financial information is not information which is needed to be considered in making decision, but it is more important than that. We can say that, every decision make will base on financial information. 6.1 Purpose of financial plan To analyze the project and financial plan To ensure the initial capital are adequate, ability and sufficient To identify the purpose and relevant source of fund To determine the amount of loan re-payment and depreciation of fund fixed asset To appraise availability before actual investment is committed To evaluate how far or potential return on investment To make a party such as a financial institution to be confidence with the financial of the company in order to make a business loan 6.2 Strategies of financial plan Makes sure that company have sufficient amount of cash in order to take trade discount, to maintain credit rating and to meet unexpected cash needs Give advice and opinion to other department such as administration, marketing and operation in order to reach the business purpose Make sure the increase in business profit at the good stage and better performing Make sure that cash was used efficient and effectively without wastage in expenses Try to seek business opportunity in order to increase the financial strength or wealth of economy SALES AND PURCHASE PROJECTION PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION COST SCHEDULE ADMINISTRATIVE, MARKETING, AND OPERATION BUDGET Activities Start Deadlines Business registration 15 Oct 2010 2 Nov 2010 Trade mark registraton 20 Oct 2010 5 Nov 2010 Labours intake 15 December 2009 25 Feb 2010 Start production 1 Nov 2010 28 Nov 2010 Product promotion 15 Dec 2010 2 March 2011 Trial product 15 Dec 2010 1 Jan 2011 First sale 2 Feb 2011 31 August 20117.0 PROJECT MILESTONES Here are the project milestones for our company. 7.0 CONCLUSION It can be conclude that Ultrasonic Distance Measure has great potential to penetrate into the market due to low prize and high efficient usage. This was confidently proven by our experts through researches, surveys and development for more than two years. I believe this product will be successfully achieves our target sales. As a management team of Ikatan Sdn Bhd, we need to fulfill our customer needed. So, the good relationship between supplier and customer are very important. We are promise to give 100% commitment to our company. 9.0 APPENDICES Figure 9.1 Picture of Ultrasonic Distance Measure Figure 9.2 Technology used of our product Figure 9.3 Maps of our company located

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Impact Of Televison On Behavior :: essays research papers

The Impact Of Televison On Behavior (Violence in television programs and movies and its impact on children and families is not a new topic. Almost 30 years ago the U.S. Surgeon General warned Americans about the negative effect of television have on the emotions and behaviours of children.) I just want to continue viewing our standpoints regarding the negative effect it has on society Talkshows "Husband Sees Prostitute," "Mistress Meets Wife," "Girl Sleeps with Over 100 Men," "My Girlfriend is a Guy," "Teenage Prostitution," "Maid-of-Honor Slept with Girl One Week Before Wedding," Commonly Jerry Springer topics! Why are people fascinated with such topics? What says it of our society? The biggest problem is that the behaviours are depicted are common, sensible, and, perhaps, even worth copying. Approximately six percent of daytime talk show viewers are under 11. Shows like Springer's according to a New York Times journalist cause violence in society and argued that the source of the problem lies in the insatiable lust of the audience for more and more gory violence. The only way to stop violence on television---either on the news or on Springer-type shows--is to cut the demand for it, thereby removing the profit. Television news, due primarily to its obsession with crime and violence, definitely has a negative impact upon our society. TV news broadcasts use dramatic, usually violent stories and images to capture and maintain an audience, under the pretence of keeping it informed. This overabundance of crime and violence on TV news inflate the public's fears for personal safety. People, for the most part, believe that TV news is an accurate reflection of reality. They become frightened of the cities they live in, and fear that criminals will harm them or their loved ones. Graphic coverage of wars, bombings, murders and natural disasters can quite possibly lead to nightmares or even depression. Research tells us the following about children and television: †¢ School-age children watch an average of 28 hours of television per week. †¢ Children are influenced by advertisements. They want what they see. †¢ Over 50 percent of children have a TV in their bedroom. †¢ Children who watch a lot of TV are more overweight than other children. †¢ Children under 2 years old: no TV (or other media, such as computers or videos) †¢ Children over 2 years old: maximum of 1 to 2 hours of TV (and other media) per day According to experts, children who watch too much TV tend to be less interested in physical activity, often develop verbal skills more slowly and tend to be less confident in social situations.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

From 1820-1920 approximately 34 million persons immigrated to America and about three-fourthsof them stayed. They came for many different reasons, to escape violence, to find new hope, or to chase the "America Dream." This caused many things to develop and change throughout America. This mass immigration was possible because of the "endless" western territory but now in 2011 the "endless" territory has run out. Government should work to limit immigration to an extent. Although immigrants strengthen American society by creating different cultures and increasing the work force but it must be limited because America cannot afford to be a nation of mostly immigrants. If left unchecked there would be overcrowding, an insufficient amount of jobs, and many racial conflicts but if stopped completely there would be a loss in culture, there would be an increase in illegal immigration, and it wouldn't be moral. There needs to be a balance in between the two with some guidelines. If we left immigration unchecked we would be overcrowding because there would be so many people trying to get jobs in... Essay -- From 1820-1920 approximately 34 million persons immigrated to America and about three-fourthsof them stayed. They came for many different reasons, to escape violence, to find new hope, or to chase the "America Dream." This caused many things to develop and change throughout America. This mass immigration was possible because of the "endless" western territory but now in 2011 the "endless" territory has run out. Government should work to limit immigration to an extent. Although immigrants strengthen American society by creating different cultures and increasing the work force but it must be limited because America cannot afford to be a nation of mostly immigrants. If left unchecked there would be overcrowding, an insufficient amount of jobs, and many racial conflicts but if stopped completely there would be a loss in culture, there would be an increase in illegal immigration, and it wouldn't be moral. There needs to be a balance in between the two with some guidelines. If we left immigration unchecked we would be overcrowding because there would be so many people trying to get jobs in...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mental Health Counseling: Integrating Consultation

Abstract With the meshing of consultation and advocacy, mental health counselors can both assist in dealing with the issues that their clients face personally, but also help to make better the world around them. In order to respond to the thesis questions presented in this paper, we must first define consultation and social justice advocacy within the counseling context. Typically, consultation means a general meeting or conference between parties.In the counseling context however, we can say that it â€Å"usually involves three parties: a consultant, a consultee, and a client system. The consultant delivers direct service to the consultee, who delivers direct service to a client system† (Doherty, 1990). Consultation for professional counselors typically involves acting on behalf of an identified client (or student) through interaction with another professional consultee or other stakeholder in the client’s welfare (Brown, Pryzwansky, & Schulte, 2010; Kampwirth, 2006; K urpius & Fuqua, 1993).The consultee may also be conceptualized as a system or organization that serves an identified client or student population (Brown et al. , 2010; Moe & Perera-Diltz, 2009). With these definitions, a counseling consultant relationship could be thought of as a chain of assistance in dealing with client issues. Advocacy, typically in regards to social justice, is a way in which a change is brought into society. In a historical context, the mental health reforms that Clifford Beers brought about in the late 1800s were an impactful form of social advocacy.Beers launched one of the earliest client-advocate health reform movements in the United States. A former patient who was institutionalized for three years, Beers led national and international efforts to improve institutional care, challenge the stigma of mental illness, and promote mental health. His efforts resulted in a major shift in attitudes toward mental illness, as well as the introduction of guidance coun selors in US schools and the inclusion of evidence of a defendant's psychological state in law courts (Parry, 2010).Consultation and social justice advocacy may not be exactly similar, but they can be used as cohesive tools that counselors use in order to help their clients. Though scholars continue to identify concerns regarding how the specific nature and scope of social justice advocacy for counselors will be defined (Nelson-Jones, 2002; Roysircar, 2009; Weinrach & Thomas, 2004), in 2003 the American Counseling Association (ACA) endorsed the creation and publication of the Advocacy Competencies (Lewis et al. , 2003) for professional counselors.Along with the publication of this special issue, scholarship has focused on making the case for social justice (Prilletensky & Prilletensky, 2003; Vera & Speight, 2003), and on synthesizing the social justice counseling paradigm with other key counseling perspectives such as multicultural theory (Constantine et al. , 2007; Crethar et al. , 2008) and school counseling (Bemak & Chung, 2008; Dahir & Stone, 2009). The idea of meshing consultation with social advocacy is prudent because we as counselors should work not only to better the lives of our clients but of the world around them.There seems to be an obvious association with mental health and the groups to which social justice advocacy is most needed. Negative experiences of historically marginalized groups can lead to psychological dysfunction and an overall decline in mental health (Chang, Hays, & Milliken, 2009). The American Counseling Association’s Code of Ethics states that counselors should â€Å"recognize historical and social prejudices in the misdiagnosis and pathologizing of certain individuals and groups and the role of mental health professionals in perpetuating these prejudices through diagnosis and treatment. The need for counselors to integrate social justice advocacy with consultation stems from the fact that much of the clientele that is s eeking out mental health services have suffered in some form or another from social injustice(s). It is imperative in cases like this that a balance is made between providing both consultation and advocacy to our clients. In working with populations that have experienced social injustices such as poverty, racial intimidations, abuse, etc. t is the responsibility of the counselor to be the voice for those who cannot speak up for themselves. Practices such as collaborating with multiple stakeholder groups and identifying institutional polices that may promote marginalization of vulnerable community members are used by both consultants (Brown, 1993; Kampwirth, 2006) and advocates (Vera & Speight, 2003). While it is important to understand the social injustices that many clients face, it is also critical to know exactly why these injustices occur.It is also important that counselors attempt to change the structures that are responsible for the oppression of mental health clients. This s ocial justice movement is sometimes referred to as professional counseling’s fifth force (Ratts, D’Andrea, & Arredondo, 2004)—in other words advocacy counseling. Counseling is indeed an effective and powerful tool in helping the less fortunate with their problems. However, counseling by itself is cannot be used to advance clients’ wellbeing. There must be an interlocking of counseling, consultation and social advocacy.That is, the oppressed clientele would greatly benefit from outside consultants that have the capability of promoting change within the corrosive environments in which they live. Authors Ratts and Hutchins (2009) have also highlighted how counselors-as advocates often adopt the role of consultant to promote empowerment of clients and students (Moe, Perera-Diltz, Sepulveda, 2010). Advocacy can play an important role in many aspects of alleviating the plight of the oppressed population of mental health clients.For example, advocacy can assist in supporting equitable access to needed medical services. It can also help to reduce the discrimination experienced by consumers within the health care system by facilitating communication with health care providers and by addressing any prejudicial beliefs health care providers may hold. Finally, advocates can assist consumers in addressing any discrimination that they may experience within the health care system (Stylianos & Kehyayan, 2012).If not for the advocacy of interest groups, doctors, nurses, patients, politicians, etc. the recent healthcare system changes may never have been signed into law which would have left millions still without access to affordable healthcare coverage or being denied access for discriminatory reasons. If a client does not have health insurance or the means to pay for services, a consultant could be utilized as a third party source in order to help the client have access to mental health services.Consultants in this situation could range from a soc ial worker, a career counselor or welfare office. The importance of children’s mental health in early development has long been documented, and many advocates have made impassioned pleas for additional resources for both children and their parents during the early years. A hypothetical program in which a mental health counselor could serve both as a consultant and an advocate would be to have counselors readily available to under privileged pre-school children in an outside child-care setting.The counselors could serve as a means of providing intervention of serious future problems that these children may have as they mature. These counselors can also help teachers and parents deal with issues of challenging behavior or even learning disabilities. The function of a mental health counselor that is serving as a consultant in this type of surrounding would be very different than they typical one-to-one therapy that usually occurs between counselor and client.The role of a consul tant in this sort of program would be to work as a team with a child-care center staff to recognize and deal with difficult behaviors and/or learning behaviors successfully. They would also serve as coach or mentor to families dealing with challenging issues at home and could help them access quality behavioral health services outside of the pre-school setting. In regards to social advocacy in this hypothetical program, emphasis can be made on the lack of healthcare afforded to children. According to a report from the U.S. Surgeon General, current estimates of children that are not being provided health care services are vast: â€Å"one in five children is estimated to have a mental health problem that impairs functioning, while less than half of all children and one third of adults with a diagnosable mental disorder receive any kind of services†. Inadequate finances from families of mentally ill children can be a main reason that children go without quality mental health ser vices. Another cause can be attributed to the stigma surrounding mental illness.This can ring exceptionally true among low-income families and minorities. To erase this type of stigma, it may be helpful for a mental health consultant in this type of program to ease into the role of therapist as one-to-one counseling may be too overwhelming for those who come into the process with a set of preconceived beliefs. They could offer classes on how to deal with a child’s difficult behavior or problem specific support groups such as a group for single parents learning to deal with their child’s emotions.The job of a mental health counselor is rewarding in that it offers scores of opportunities to impact the lives of others, not just through one-to-one counseling but also through being the voice of the less fortunate through consultation and advocacy. A dedicated counselor should not only provide a sympathetic ear for a client to speak to, but should also take advantage of thei r power to promote real change for those who really need it.By incorporating both consultation and advocacy into a counselor’s course of action into the treatment plans of their clients, both counselor and client will build an even stronger rapport than thought possible. References Bemak, F. , & Chi-Yi Chung, R. (2008). New professional roles and advocacy strategies for school counselors: A multicultural/social justice perspective to move beyond the nice counselor syndrome. Journal of Counseling & Development, 86, 372-381. Brown, D. , Pryzwansky, W. , & Schulte, A. (2010).Psychological consultation and collaboration: Introduction to theory and practice (7th ed. ). Boston, MA: Pearson. Chang, C. Y. , Hays, D. G. , & Milliken, T. F. (2009). Addressing social justice issues in supervision: A call for client and professional advocacy. 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