Sunday, February 16, 2020

Discuss the key features of effective corporate decision making and Essay - 1

Discuss the key features of effective corporate decision making and access how well these are being applied in an organisation y - Essay Example Contextually, it can be stated that effective decision-making is a systematic process through which business managers select alternative sources and implement it in an efficient manner in order to attain their various business purposes and objectives by a significant level (Harvey, 2007). Police forces of the United Kingdom (UK) can be recognised according to the set of ranks under which several types of departments are operated in an effective manner. The UK police comprise British police force and City of London Police where various sorts of job responsibilities are distributed according to the departmental requirement. In general, the core mission of entire police forces is to prevent crime and protect community people against the conduct of any uncertain criminal assaults. It has been apparently observed that the UK police forces perform their job responsibilities according to the community requirements (Association of Chief Police Officers, 2011). In this paper the key features of an effective corporate decision-making process will be taken into concern. Moreover, the application of this process relating to the UK police force has also being discussed. ... n to determine the workplace objectives of the police force of the UK, it has been viewed that the core workplace objective of the UK police is to maintain equality that helps them to create and make essential decisions in order to improve their operational performance. In this regard, the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) of the UK formulates certain equality objectives in order to evaluate diversity as well as equality amid the entire police forces. Through this aspect, departmental heads understand the behavioural attitudes of entire police force and also comprehend their acceptance capability towards fulfilling their different job responsibilities (Assistant of Chief Police Officer, 2011; Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime, 2013). There are several equality objectives that are implemented within the workplace of the UK police force through which they can improve their operational performance. These equality objectives include delivering fair, responsive as well as favou rable services to every community member and engaging all the community members in listening as well as responding their respective problems. Additionally, the other objectives comprise developing an effective workforce in order to become more responsible towards the community members and preserving equality standards while performing and delivering services to the community members (Assistant of Chief Police Officer, 2011; Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime, 2013). After acquiring a brief idea about the workplace objectives of the UK police force, it has been viewed that at present, UK police department face several types of workplace issues that impose considerable impact upon their operational activities. Since the past few years, ‘Public disorder’ is one of the challenging issues

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Corporate and Global Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Corporate and Global Strategy - Essay Example Such organizations bring out the best in people. Some people research on an organization’s culture before they job-hop, so that they know whether they will be able to gel in the organization. It would be very practical to perceive leaders as both architects and products of an organization. This is because a good organization develops the leader and a good leader develops the organization. Even individuals, who are effective in one team, might not be effective in another or fail to make a substantial contribution. An organization is an artificial person and has an identity. This identity is given to the organization by its leaders and employees. Besides that, leaders also impact how the organization interprets its surroundings and what are its values, which relationships are important, which feedback matters and what information is available etc. The organization’s norms and boundaries shape leader’s behavior and view. Even after joining a new job, an employee obs erves the things that are important to his boss or CEO to determine the organization’s value system and expected employee behavior. Organizations that have established an identity for themselves stand a better chance of experiencing cooperation. This in turn leads to goal alignment and overall performance tends to show an upward-moving trend. Collective identity is more important from an organization’s point of view because it creates a sense of commitment to the organization, enriches the organizational culture and augments cooperation. Leaders shape culture through modeling, teaching and coaching (Northern Leadership Academy, 2012). Influential leaders also affect ethical behavior of the organization as a whole and this can be better understood through the A-B-C model (where A is the ethical lapse, B is the leader’s behavior as a response to this lapse and C is the result of the leader’s behavior). An organization’s ethical behavior and moral con duct is either weakened or strengthened by the conduct of its leaders. Take the case of an accounting clerk who manipulates results to conceal errors; if the leader does not take any effective action against number manipulation then the practice of manipulating figures to cover up errors is strengthened in the organization. Similarly if one employee bullies another and the leader takes serious action against it, then the tendency to bully is greatly weakened in the organization. For instance, leaders who are morally correct will not bend the rules in any case and voice their resentment in case of an ethical lapse. However there are some leaders who are indifferent to an ethical lapse and let unethical things happen in front of them. The character of the leader builds the character of the organization. So a leader’s behavior shapes the organization’s future behavior. Where it is true that a leader has the capacity to influence the organizational behavior, it is also imp ortant to note that a leader also has to come up with ways to shape organizational behavior favorably. If a leader wants to bring about a change, he has to mold himself for the change first and then expect the whole organization to follow his footprints. Changing one’s behavior for the organization is not easy as it requires a lot of loyalty and responsibility on the part of the leader. A good leader will always place the organization’s interest above his self-interest. He is not reactive but instead proactive. He nibs the evil in the bud by clearly informing employees which unethical